James Thomson

James Thomson

James Thomson has over 21 years experience in the policing, training, higher education, security and risk management fields. Formerly a founding Director of Emergency and Incident Management Services (EIMS), James is currently the Director Training and Development at FutureWest Institute.

FutureWest Institute (RTO 41184) conducts a nationally accredited training course in Design, Manage and Evaluate Exercises http://www.futurewest.com.au/design-manage-and-evaluate-exercises-course.html James and the team would be only too happy to help you with any emergency management advice you may need.

To Exercise or Not to Exercise?

To Exercise or Not to Exercise?

Exercise with purpose... the message our guest blogger James Thomson promotes when it comes to running emergency management scenarios. 

With over 21 years experience in the policing, training, higher education, security and risk management fields James shares his insight with Scope enthusiasts on planning to get the right outcomes from your next emergency management drill.

Scope Vision....Serious about safety!