Competent to Confident


Competent to Confident

Sale Price:A$550.00 Original Price:A$770.00

As a licensed venue manager, you know it’s essential to present a safe, well-managed and enjoyable premise.

Sure, you’ve ensured your staff have the correct certification but are they confident in dealing with intoxicated or difficult patrons?

Enough is enough!

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Scope Vision recognises that holding a certification without application and practice can sometimes expose a venue to risky service practices. Competent to Confident is designed to bridge this gap.

Our interactive two-hour workshop has a focus on practical and real world application of responsible service techniques. Participants are immersed in and taught to defuse common difficult service situations which, if not dealt with effectively, can impact brand continuity and patron safety.

Recognising that Competent to Confident is the only way to ensure that you are serving every customer safely.


  • Interpret the legal responsibilities relating to the sale and service of alcohol
  • Advise patrons on the effects of alcohol in their system
  • Assess and monitor the levels of intoxication and behavioural patterns of patrons
  • Effectively engage with difficult patrons to ensure service excellence
  • Refuse service to patrons whose continued presence impacts negatively on the experience and safety of others


$550 (+ GST); Two-hour workshop for one venue with up to 10 participants.


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